Today’s Gold Nugget: DECISION I find this quote to be true in my own life. Every time I go through a stressful or uncomfortable situation, I try my best to evaluate the reason for these feelings and find a way to change my thinking and behavior by making a new decision that will break Read More
Today’s Gold Nugget: MOUNTAIN TOP
My husband and I just got back from our last show of the year, “Dixie Gas & Oil” in the Smokey Mountains of Tennessee. Being there brought back a memory from our 2018 trip to Switzerland with my son David and my friend Melina. We had a special experience during a day trip to the Read More
Today’s Gold Nugget: PERSPECTIVE
How something appears is always a matter of perspective. Perspective is a point of view. It’s the lens we see the world through and determines how we view ourselves, others, and everything else around us. Have you ever wondered how two people can look at the same thing and have two different outlooks? It always Read More
Why Do You Need Emotional Boundaries?
Why setting emotional boundaries is so important? Because it teaches people how to treat you and protect your individual unique feelings, ideas, perspectives, and wishes. It also means the ability to recognize your own uniqueness, respect your own feelings, and values, and communicate these differences to others. Learning to honestly say NO or YES is Read More
Today’s Gold Nugget: GO HIGHER!
Good Morning, For Today’s Gold Nugget, I came across this image and powerful story about negativity and wanted to share it with you. “The Story of the Eagle and the Crow” The only bird that will dare peck at an eagle is the crow. The crow sits on the eagles back and bites his Read More
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year 2021, my friend! As we start the first day of a brand-new year, I encourage you to set your eyes on Jesus, and trust in the One who truly loves you and cares for you. He has a good plan for you. A plan of health, peace, prosperity and hope Read More
How to Deal and Manage Emotional Triggers
Today’s Gold Nugget: EMOTIONAL TRIGGERS Have you ever wondered why someone’s actions, comments, or behavior may cause strong feelings to rise within you? Feelings such as anger, stress, anxiety, shame, or pain? That my friend is called emotional triggers. It might not be a big deal to someone else, but to you, it sets you Read More
Importance of Sharing Good Feelings In Your Relationships
Today’s Gold Nugget: FEELINGS I love this quote because it makes me realize that with every interaction we have, we leave an emotional imprint. How we interact with others, like our reactions and behaviors, speak volumes of who we really are. So today, ask yourself what kind of feelings you want to leave with your Read More
Effective Strategies to Prepare for Your Future
Today’s Gold Nugget: Prepare or Repair What are your plans for the future? What you do today shapes who you will become tomorrow. My friend, let me tell you: doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results is insanity. That’s why preparing for the future is crucial. To achieve the life you’ve always wanted, Read More
Today’s Gold Nugget: WEEDING TIME
Lately, I (Melina Fabian) spent a lot of time weeding my own backyard, as well as others. The Lord reminded me about the parable of the sower, especially when the Word was sown among thorns. I stopped and meditated about this specific seed, sown among thorns. Jesus is talking about this parable of the sower Read More