8 Behaviors Successful People Will Never Do

Today’s Gold Nugget: MATURITY Our character is cultivated through diligent practices and constant commitment to living honestly before men and God. We are called to continual progress, moving from one level of glory to another, and avoiding stagnation or unfruitfulness. In other words, we should always grow and mature. Our words and actions control our Read More

2024 Your Best Year Yet!

Happy New Year! As we start this brand-new year, I encourage you to set your eyes on Jesus and trust in the One who truly loves you and cares for you. He has a good plan for you. A plan of health, peace, prosperity, and hope for the future.   Especially during this time, let Read More

Mastering Self-Control: Responding vs. Reacting

  Today’s Gold Nugget: SELF-CONTROL We are often challenged with situations or individuals who confront us in aggressive or challenging ways. Then what happens? We automatically react and lose self-control, our peace, and our temper. Can you relate? You are definitely not alone. The reality is, that reacting gives the individual or situation power over Read More

Happy Mother’s Day!

    Happy Mother’s Day to All of You Beautiful Moms  Just a little note of affection to all of you moms. May the Lord bless you and refresh you as you continue to love and care for your family. It’s not always easy, it can be challenging at times but keep on believing and Read More

Benefit of Inquiring of the Lord

“This is what the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel says, “I am the Lord your God, who teaches you to profit (benefit), Who leads you in the way that you should go” Isaiah 48:17AMP I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and enjoyed your time with friends and family. As for my family, we spent Read More

Why Affirmations Are Important

  Today’s Gold Nugget: AFFIRMATIONS Why affirmations? Affirmations are very important in our daily lives because they counteract negative, stressful thoughts and feelings. The reality is a negative mindset doesn’t just make you unhappy, it will affect your emotional and physical state and stops your brain from functioning at high capacity. You know this when Read More

12 Qualities Demonstrating Integrity

Today’s Gold Nugget: INTEGRITY It is wonderful when you find a person of integrity. They are honest, kind, and stick to their words. They demonstrate these 12 qualities listed below. Integrity definition: “the quality to be honest and having strong moral principles, moral uprightness”. Synonyms: “character, decency, goodness, honesty, rectitude, and virtue.” 12 qualities demonstrating Read More

How Your Thinking Works Against You or for You

Today’s Gold Nugget: THINKING What is your stress level? I want to share with you how your thinking can work against you or for you. A couple of weeks ago I ran into a real challenge at work where I could not get the right lighting, details, angles, and background to photograph some intricate vintage Read More

16 Ways to Stop Saying “I’m Sorry” and Say This Instead

Today’s Gold Nugget: STOP APOLOGIZING Do you say “I’m sorry” a lot? Well, it’s time to stop apologizing because it could be affecting your confidence and freedom. Let me ask you this, do you really mean you’re sorry? Or is it just a fill-in phrase to avoid punishment or ridicule? If you feel like it’s Read More

How One Decision Can Change The Course Of Your Life

  Today’s Gold Nugget: DECISION I find this quote to be true in my own life. Every time I go through a stressful or uncomfortable situation, I try my best to evaluate the reason for these feelings and find a way to change my thinking and behavior by making a new decision that will break Read More