But it gets boring. So, I get back to be me”
Knowing your personality style and your strengths and weaknesses is very important. The reason is, it will help you understand how you communicate and operate in your everyday job, career, or business. It promotes awareness, compassion, and patience not only for yourself but as well for others. It may help in not comparing yourself to others, which brings on discouragement and insecurities.
This Personality Profile Style is called DISC. It is divided into 4 styles:
- Dominance
- Inspiring
- Steadiness
- Competence
As you become familiar with each Profile, you will not only discover your own personal style but also one of the people your work with. It will give you tips on how to conduct yourself with the other styles, which is a plus!
Dominance or Determined Style:
People with the Dominant Style tend to make quick decisions and they are very results-oriented, direct, and straightforward. They are confident and competitive, and cannot be bothered with a lot of details. They often display a high level of initiative and energy. Additionally, they tend to prefer an environment that allows them to be in control.
However, people with this style can cause conflict by being too blunt, restless, and impatient. When dealing with this personality style it is best to be direct and responsive and not make excuses. They fear being taken advantage of and appearing weak.
Approximately 17% of the population displays a Dominant Style and includes individuals such as George Washington, Margaret Thatcher, Barbara Walters, and Michael Jordan.
Inspiring or Influencer Style:
People with the Inspiring Style are outgoing, persuasive, impulsive and tend to be good at delegating. Their style is collaborative and entertaining. Additionally, they tend to prefer an environment that allows social interaction.
However, the influencer strength to build friendships can be easily taken advantage of when they are confronted to make unpleasant decisions. Instead of doing what’s best for the job, influencers procrastinate, because they don’t want to rock the boat. When dealing with this personality style it is best to let them take credit, show support, and respond with enthusiasm. They fear rejection, not being heard, and disapproval.
Approximately 38% of the population displays an Influencing Style and includes individuals such as Ronald Reagan, Kathie Lee Gifford, Joan Rivers, and John Madden.
Steadiness or Supportive Style:
People with the Steadiness Style are dependable, easygoing, and friendly. Their emphasis is on cooperating with others to carry out a task. Stability and security are the supreme motivators for people with this personality type. Thus, repetitive tasks, established work patterns and routine work are ideal. When working with this personality type it is best to spend time listening, showing personal interest and being friendly.
However, when under stress, they often avoid conflict to preserve relationships. They are frequently the last ones to speak up or attract attention, so they are easily overlooked. They may be limited by being indecisive and overly accommodating. They fear change, loss of stability, letting others down, and facing aggression.
Approximately 32% of the population displays a Supportive Style and includes individuals such as Abraham Lincoln, Jackie Kennedy, and Mother Teresa.
Competence or Conscientious Style:
People with the Competence Style are thorough, attentive perfectionists who can think ahead and prevent problems. They are typically very serious, decisive, and logical. They work within existing circumstances to ensure quality and accuracy. Additionally, people with this competence style tend to prefer little or no people contact. They tend to prefer an environment that places a high value on being right and safe.
However, people with this style can be viewed as rigid and overly detailed. Instead of talking about a problem, this conscientious person will write long memos and avoid personal communications. When dealing with this personality type you need to stick to the facts, do your homework, and give plenty of lead time for a decision. They fear being wrong and have strong displays of emotion.
Approximately 13% of the population displays a Competence Style and include individuals such as Thomas Jefferson, Dr. Joyce Brothers, and Albert Einstein.
For your convenience, I created a FREE Download. It will keep you sharp on your personality profile style with its strengths and weakness. You can access it here: DISC: Personality Profiles.
Keep on shining,
To your success 😊
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