-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Your life is a gift and has meaning. You were born with talents and abilities. There is treasure in you and like every good treasure it is to be discovered and unearthed. Always remember you have only one life to live. The sun rises and sets, days are coming and going. Time is ticking. Therefore our daily and seasonal choices are extremely important for every area of life. The foundation we build upon should be done with thought, wisdom and care.
What is your current situation?
- You discovered your talents and abilities early on. For example, when you were little you knew what you really wanted to do or become. You recognized your gifts and talents, you had a dream, a passion or the privilege to be guided in the right direction by parents or mentors. And today you are living it fully.
- You had or still have bad examples/acquaintances that lead you on the road of destruction. You are longing and dreaming for change and a better life. However you are left miserable and suffering, not knowing where to start.
- You go with the flow until age is setting, thus never really giving any thought about discovering what you were destined to become or what you really want. Looking back, you might have feelings of regret, guilt and wished you did some things differently.
- The same feelings are true for all the opportunities that came your way. However, fear always overtook you, you hesitated or refused to take a risk or step of faith.
- You always worked for someone else’s dream. Never thinking about your own desires and destiny.
So where do you find yourself in this equation? Are you satisfied with the direction of your life? Are you fulfilled, happy, successful or frustrated, confused, stuck, indifferent? I encourage you to do a life evaluation. You may be successful in one area but in despair in another. For example you are very successful in business, but your marriage is on the verge of divorce.
No matter where you find yourself today, it is never too late to make a brand new start. Never too late to write a new chapter in your life or even the last chapter. It is NEVER too late to change direction. It only takes a few minutes to repent – forgive – commit to change – move in the right direction.
Helpful ways to discover your next steps
- Introspection – Become aware of your thoughts, feelings and actions/behaviors. Evaluate your interactions with others, circumstances, what worked what didn’t, etc.
- Assessments – Take the time to take know yourself in taking a Personality Test and a Strengths Assessment.
- Guidance – Work with a Life or Business Coach, find a virtual or physical Mentor, find a Group where people are doing/becoming what you really want). This will propel you forward way faster and higher than on your own.
- Prayer and Fasting – Spend time with God your Creator. In the Gospels (Good News), there was a blind man who came to Him to receive a miracle. Even though it was obvious what he needed or wanted, Jesus asked him what he wanted. Today Jesus still asks anyone who come to Him: “What do you want, what do you really want?” He gives us the desires of our hearts. He has good plans for you and me. You can always trust Him. He has the very best for you.
- Toxic Friends – Be aware of the voices you listen to. Your surroundings make a world of difference. You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. Therefore choose wisely. It might be that you have to lose some friends to achieve new heights. I know I had to. Purge yourself from negativity, both in thoughts and words. If you don’t have a choice to cut yourself from some people, decide not to listen to them anymore. Turn your ear off to negativity and mockery. Do not share your dreams, aspirations and decisions with anyone who doesn’t understand or laughs at you. Always remember, some people don’t see what you see (they don’t carry the same vision) and some people don’t want you to succeed.
- Write your own eulogy. I know this might sound morbid and depressive, but hey, the reality is we all are going to die one day. It actually is a positive exercise that will set you on the right path according to Stephen Covey “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” (a must read). For example write about what you want people to remember about you. What will your spouse, children, friends or co-workers say about you? What legacy will you leave? What great things have you accomplished? Write them in detail.
There are benefits to be fully alive to your destiny. People who find their destiny and assignment love what they do. It creates great joy and fulfillment. It produces feelings of joy, peace, excitement, energy, belonging, happiness. On the other hand not living your life’s full potential or calling produces feelings of confusion, lack of energy, boredom, anxiety, depression, oppression, confusion, blame, jealousy, etc.
As an eye opener, the Gallup Poll records 85% of American workers hate their job. Wow, that’s where we spend most of our day! Do you hate your job? If the answer is YES!!!! than it is time to think about a serious change.
To help you create a life you really enjoy and were meant to live, I designed a worksheet just for you. Therefore I encourage you to invest in the Life Assessment with Action Plan worksheet, FREE for a limited time (normally $19.95).
It will help you get clarity on your present circumstances, help get you focused on what you really want and help you move forward in the right direction of your dreams and aspirations.
Now take a step towards change and start seeing results. And if you have any questions, if you feel stuck, confused, afraid or don’t know where to start send me a message. I am here to help 🙂
I will guide you with My eye”
Psalm 32:8
“A year from now you wish you had started today”
-Karen Lamb
–Jeremiah 29:11
Ephesians 2:10
Corinne 🙂