12 Qualities Demonstrating Integrity

Today’s Gold Nugget: INTEGRITY

It is wonderful when you find a person of integrity. They are honest, kind, and stick to their words. They demonstrate these 12 qualities listed below.

Integrity definition: “the quality to be honest and having strong moral principles, moral uprightness”.

Synonyms: “character, decency, goodness, honesty, rectitude, and virtue.”

12 qualities demonstrating integrity:

  • Responsible for own actions
  • Do what you say you will do
  • Help others, volunteer
  • Be generous
  • Give others the benefit of the doubt
  • Choose honesty in all things
  • Show respect to everyone
  • Have humility
  • Be trustworthy
  • Demonstrate kindness
  • See the best in others
  • Lift others up

Integrity means that if our private lives were suddenly exposed, we wouldn’t have any reason to be ashamed or embarrassed. It means our outward life is consistent with our inner convictions and values. Integrity is a valuable skill because it allows others to trust, learn, and respect you.

We should all strive to walk in integrity with one another. Even if no one cares, we should always do the right thing. One thing is sure, God is always watching.

So, what is your level of integrity? Where can you make a change or improve?

I have a secret for increasing your integrity: read one Proverb every day, there are 31. Repeat monthly. Even if they don’t fully make sense at first, you’ll remember them when facing challenges or temptations. I’ve experienced this many times.

Renew your mind with the truths of God’s Word:

“The Proverbs of Solomon the son of David, king of Israel:
To know wisdom and instruction, to perceive the words of
understanding, to receive the instruction of wisdom,
Justice, judgment, and equity”

Prov. 1:2-3

“He who walks with integrity walks securely,
but he who perverts his ways will become known”

Prov. 10:9

“The righteous who walks in his integrity,
 blessed are his children after him!”
Prov. 20:7
“Having a good conscience, that when they defame you as evildoers,
those who revile your good conduct in Christ may be ashamed”
I Peter 3:16
“Then the Lord said to Satan, have you considered My servant Job, that
there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man,
one who fears God and shuns evil? and still, he holds fast to his integrity,
although you incited Me against him, to destroy him without cause”
Job 2:3
“I will sing of your love and justice, Lord. I will praise you with songs.
I will be careful to live a blameless life. When will you come to help me?
I will lead a life of integrity in my own home. I will refuse to look at
    anything vile and vulgar. I hate all who deal crookedly.
    I will have nothing to do with them”

Psalm 101:1-3

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